Great lakes shipment of iron ore and limestone dropped in June

August 09, 2024

The Lake Carriers' Association reports that shipments of iron ore on the Great Lakes totaled 5.7 million tons in July, a decrease of less than one percent compared to a year ago. Shipments were above the month's 5-year average by 6.9 percent.

Year-to-date the iron ore trade stands at 25.6 million tons, a near match compared to the same point in 2023. Iron ore shipments were 7.9 percent above their 5-year average for the first seven months of the year.

Shipments of limestone on the Great Lakes totaled 3.6 million tons in July, a decrease of 14.3 percent compared to a year ago. The trade was also below the month's 5-year average by 9.3 percent.

Loadings from U.S. quarries totaled 2.9 million tons, a decrease of 14 percent compared to 2023. Shipments from Canadian quarries decreased by 15.5 percent to 651,155 tons.

Year-to-date the Lakes limestone trade stands at 13.3 million tons, an increase of 2.7 percent compared to a year ago.

Source: Lake Carriers' Association