Lockouts and strikes could shut down Canada's two main railways

August 21, 2024

Earlier this week the union representing thousands of workers at CPKC served a 72-hour strike notice to the railway, effective Thursday, August 22. CN Rail issued a notice that it intends to lock out workers at that same time unless an agreement or binding arbitration is reached.

As the dispute goes on, both companies have already started to scale back shipments in preparation for a possible strike or lockout. It's a high-stakes standoff that could disrupt the two largest links in a crucial, cross-country supply chain impacting multiple industries and businesses.

Under the Canada Labour Code, the minister has the power to send parties in a labour dispute to binding arbitration, which would prevent a work stoppage.

On Friday, Labour Minister Steven MacKinnon rejected CN Rail's request for binding arbitration in the company's labour dispute with Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC). The Minister said it is the company and the union's shared responsibility to negotiate in good faith and work diligently towards a new collective agreement. The minister added that federal mediators remain available to both parties as negotiations continue.