Number of flights in and out of Canadian airports was up 2.6% in June

August 30, 2024

Statistics Canada reports that aircraft movements at Canada's major and select small airports totalled 520,024 in June, up 2.6% from June 2023.

The Federal Agency notes that itinerant movements increased 2.5% year over year to 367,247 in June 2024, while local movements rose 3.1% to 152,777.

Aircraft movements increased in all sectors in June 2024, compared with the same month in 2023.

Domestic movements edged up 1.0% year over year to 312,696 in June while transborder movements to and from the United States increased 11.2% to 39,045, the largest year-over-year increase in the transborder sector in over a year.

Domestic movements edged up 1.0% year over year to 312,696 in June.

A higher number of aircraft movements was reported in nine provinces and territories in June, with the largest growth in New Brunswick (+5,849 movements). This reflects more flight school activity at Fredericton International and Moncton/Greater Moncton International airports. For the fourth consecutive month, airports in British Columbia had the highest number of movements, with 152,263 in June, up 2.5% from the previous year.